
Time of Departure by Douglas Schofield



Only the future is certain; the past is always changing

–Chinese proverb

In Gainesville, Florida, Claire Talbot’s appointment to lead the State Attorney’s Felony Division is met with smoldering resentment. Some colleagues are openly skeptical about her youth, her abilities, and even her gender. Then a highway project turns up a gravesite from a decades-old string of unsolved abductions. Befriended by Marcus Hastings, a secretive retired cop who spent years working the file, Claire finds herself drawn into an investigation that began before she was born. The old detective urges Claire on, mysteriously convinced that only she can solve the case. Together, they unearth more graves. But then, disaster strikes … and Claire finally discovers what Hastings knew all along. It’s a secret almost too shocking for a sane mind to grasp.

Because the truth about the killings lies hidden deep in Claire’s own past…

A past that is locked in her future.

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